Posted by Art Clay

Biden stumbles in 3rd debate and liberal media effort to revive him falls just as flat

It was a debate which again featured the triumph of the true face of the Democrat Party. Candidates focused on race, race, race in an attempt to play the Democrat game of identity politics where dividing us is their key in conquering us. The police are racists, judges are racists; all excepting, of course, the… Read More…

History of American national anthem

The American national anthem is a song that millions of people around the world are aware of, but people don’t know much about the history of how 'The Star-Spangled Banner' came to be. Author and critic Erica Wagner explains the origins of America's national anthem and explores the reverence the United States has for its... Read More...

Last Night’s Democrat debate features their plan to raise your taxes, ignore the Taliban, socialize medicine, provide support for illegal aliens and further strangle by excessive regulation American businesses.

Call it just another night at the Democrat Playhouse where the same old farce is performed before the same old audience. Or, better still, perhaps, call it the Democrat orgy, where that party can play its make-believe game of far-left politics, catering, as it does, to the public class and various bureaucracies, all of whom… Read More…

Second Democrat debate descends to a new low of political depravity

My first thoughts took me to images of the potato sack race at a Sunday School picnic. I was thinking that maybe it would at least have the same fun, its irrelevancy having been established before the starter’s gun was fired. However, there was nothing fun about it. It offered us little other than a… Read More…

Where is the Democrat Presidential free-for-all heading?

It is said that many aspirants for a Democrat presidential nomination have other things on their mind. The most ambitious have the vice-presidential nomination as their ultimate objective. In this race, Cory Booker and Tim Ryan are competing for that title.  For others, a potential Senate seat or governorship.  The self- styled cute little Beta… Read More…

Kamala Harris and the sleazy & selfish games that Democrats play

While the Democrat presidential candidates talk about hard-working Americans, those in two or even three jobs, having no health coverage, trying to make ends meet and for whom these same Democrats so much want to fight for, let’s look at how they do things for themselves. The new star in the Democrat field; the let’s… Read More…

The question never asked in the Democrat debates

It is suggested, and not without merit, that the most lasting legacy of a President, aside from matters of war and peace, is that of federal judicial appointments, most particularly those on the Supreme Court. We know how Democrats use the court to fashion policies that they cannot achieve legislatively. The court, to them, has… Read More…

The Democrat rat race as it now stands: the Biden sag takes hold

An interesting thing is happening on old Joe’s ride to his coronation ball. His gilded carriage is fading badly, and its wheels are starting to hit huge ruts on the backroads of Iowa. As it now stands, old Joe has dropped below thirty percent (30%) in the Iowa polls and that tenacious little apostle of… Read More…

The ‘Black Lives Matter” movement is a national disgrace

Liberals never let facts get in the way of a good fund-raising narrative, especially when it serves their gender and race baiting brand of identity politics. So it is with that fatuously named movement, ‘Black Lives Matter”, sponsored and embraced, by the now familiar cadres of modern day liberal elitist interests. Even the name, Black... Read More...


Sleaze and cowardice have emerged as the two main ingredients in the toxic brew that make up a Democrat Presidential debate. Take your choice, you can have a nominee, in Kamala Harris, who again rides the integration bus, this time leaving its tire tracks across old Joe Biden’s back or you can have old Joe… Read More…

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