Politics and Current Affairs

The ‘Black Lives Matter” movement is a national disgrace

Liberals never let facts get in the way of a good fund-raising narrative, especially when it serves their gender and race baiting brand of identity politics. So it is with that fatuously named movement, ‘Black Lives Matter”, sponsored and embraced, by the now familiar cadres of modern day liberal elitist interests. Even the name, Black... Read More...


Sleaze and cowardice have emerged as the two main ingredients in the toxic brew that make up a Democrat Presidential debate. Take your choice, you can have a nominee, in Kamala Harris, who again rides the integration bus, this time leaving its tire tracks across old Joe Biden’s back or you can have old Joe… Read More…

The Democrat Presidential nomination race today

Often is asked the question concerning a political candidate, ‘Would you buy a used car from this person?’ This year’s Democrat hunt for that party’s presidential nomination looks more like the car lot than the salesperson. Front and center on that lot is the parry’s answer to the Edsel, Joe Biden. If ever there was... Read More...

Socialists will control who the Democrats nominate for President

The old hacks, led by the aged and faltering Nancy Pelosi are saying one thing but the facts establish another. The Democrat Party’s loony left wing dominates the party’s Presidential nomination process. Last time around it thought playing by the rules meant something in a party whose nomination process from top to bottom was closed... Read More...

President Trump is building the strongest economy in more than 50 years

The economy is booming and President Trump’s tax and regulation policies are at the root of the boom. America’s economy always performs best when government gets out of the way, allowing the initiative and drive of our people lead the way. How best can our people exercise this initiative and drive is obvious. Lower their... Read More...

Here to help; ready to serve;

There to help; ready this is not the story of one man or woman. In fact, it does not concern a singular act of heroism. What it represents is really an account of what being an American means. It speaks to the nature of our people’s character, their sense of justice and human decency. It… Read More…

Democrats recycle discarded Joe Biden

Never content to simply be yesterdays has been, Joe Biden is making another run for the job he has been after for thirty (30) plus years. Yes, the twice defeated candidate for the Democrat Presidential nomination is at it once again. Surprise, surprise, he wants to be our President, ignoring the fact this door was… Read More…

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