It is the he said to her who said to a fellow who heard that his friend knows a person who said she met a diplomat’s secretary at a bar who told her that she heard a rumor that a person representing President Trump lobbied an adviser to the Ukrainian P[resident to…….and here it becomes… Read More…
Posts from November, 2019
Deval Patrick says he’s had enough time with his family and now he wants to be President
The chaotic state of the race for the Democrat presidential nomination has now taken another twist. Following in the tenuous steps of Mike Bloomberg whose campaign theme should be “ I should be President and I’ll pay my way to making you believe it and when you do, I won’t run,” former Massachusetts Governor Patrick… Read More…
Just one reason ( and there are so many) why the impeachment fiasco should and will fail
Among the many reasons why President Trump will not be successfully impeached, here is another one. It is a basic one and has been in plain sight from the outset. Yet, the frenzied bloodthirst of the Democrats for the President’s head and the willing participation of the mainstream media in fostering this insidiously motivated charade… Read More…
Forget about who the Democrats nominate, President Trump will win this election in a big way
Our nation is experiencing a period of prosperity and peace unequalled in its history. Just consider these facts. While under the state-controlled policies of President Obama, our GDP was at a stagnant 1%, President Trump, in unleashing the shackles of regulation and restrictive rules that Obama and the current assortment of Democrat presidential candidates favor,… Read More…
Sorry, Bernie and Elizabeth……capitalism is not a dirty word and we don’t want your socialist wasteland
It has become fashionable in Democrat circles to deride America’s system of free enterprise, the capitalist system. Yes, let’s use and say with pride and satisfaction the words capitalist and capitalism. It is the capitalist system that has made this country great and provided the world best and greatest lifestyle. Let’s just look at a… Read More…
Halloween costumes banned and shut up unless you agree with Group Identity agenda: politics Democrat style
I must have missed something along the way in my understanding of the meaning of what I thought , were our values, stretching back principally to the western Enlightenment, extending into the great civil rights movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s and now, or so I thought, properly representative of our society’s legal and moral… Read More…
Bloomberg gambit signals weakness of Democrat Presidential candidates
Every four years Michael Bloomberg attempts to soothe his ego by floating his name as a possible Presidential candidate. This time he means it. The 77-year-old former mayor of New York is musing loudly about entering the Democrat race for President. It is not so much that he can offer anything new or novel but… Read More…